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The Antiquities and Monuments Ordinance was enforced in 1976 to ensure that the best examples of Hong Kong's monuments are under appropriate protection. In the same year, the Antiquities Advisory Board (AAB) and the Antiquities and Monuments Office (AMO) were established. The AMO, which provides secretarial and executive support to AAB in conserving places of historic and archaeological interest, is the executive arm of the Antiquities Authority.
The office is developed in two units - Heritage Conversation unit and Technical and Advisory unit. The main roles are as follow:
The Antiquities and Monuments Office Website: https://www.amo.gov.hk/en/home/index.html
Organiser:Antiquities and Monuments Office
Corporate Social Organisation: ADAM i-dArt Keenable Creation MentalCare Connect Co Ltd
Supporting Organisation: Art in Hospital Arts with the Disabled Association Hong Kong Equal Opportunities Commission Hong Kong Federation of Handicapped Youth Hong Kong General Chamber of Social Enterprises Hong Kong Joint Council for People with Disabilities Hong Kong Rehabilitation Power The Hong Kong Society for Rehabilitation
Email: event@etnet.com.hk Enquiries: (852) 2880 2950
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