Art Unbound, Inclusion Absolute - Heritage for All Drawing Competition

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About the Application

Q1: How do I enter the competition?

Please fill in and submit the application form here. You will be asked to adhere to and provide the following:

  1. The title of the submission (should include no more than 12 Chinese characters or English words)
  2. Description of the artwork (in no more than 200 Chinese characters or English words)
  3. File format for the entry: JPEG
  4. Size of the entry (height and width should be 2,000 pixels or more)
  5. File size of the submission (2MB to 8MB)
  6. Important: The photographic/digital image of the entry must be complete, clear, unobstructed, non-reflective frontal shot, and taken against a pure, white background

Submission Period:15 March 2022 – 31 May 2022 23:59

Q2: Who can participate?

  1. Participants must be Hong Kong residents (i.e. holders of valid Hong Kong identity cards) and holders of valid registration cards for persons with disabilities, or disability certificates issued by Hong Kong registered doctors, medical professionals, or supervisors of relevant institutions. Participants must be aged 16 or above.
  2. Entries must depict the attributes of one of four historic buildings designated by the “Art Unbound, Inclusion Absolute - Heritage for All Drawing Competition”.

Q3: Can my artwork be of any historic building in Hong Kong?

Each entry should reflect the attributes of one of the four historic buildings designated by the “Art Unbound, Inclusion Absolute - Heritage for All Drawing Competition”, including the Former Kowloon British School, Hong Kong Observatory, Former Kowloon-Canton Railway Clock Tower and Hong Kong Heritage Discovery Centre. Participants who fail to submit entries that satisfy this requirement will be disqualified.

Q4: If I am not able to visit my chosen designated historic building in person, what should I do?

Participants are encouraged to search for relevant information and photos of the historic building on the website and online.Website:Designated Historic Buildings

About Shortlisted Artwork

Q5: How do I know if my artwork has been shortlisted?

The 30 participants who are successfully shortlisted for the second round of judging will each receive a phone call and an email on or before 22 June 2022. They will be asked to deliver the original copy of the artwork to a designated location by 17:00 on 8 July 2022. More details will be provided in the email. Participants should frame the artwork and allow the use of screws on the back of their artwork for hanging. Participants will be responsible for the cost of framing and mounting, packaging, transportation, and insurance. Fragile materials are not recommended for use with framing and mounting. The Organiser will not be responsible for any damages. Participants who fail to submit the original versions of their artwork before 17:00 on 8 July 2022 will cease to be shortlisted.

About the Results

Q6: How will the results be announced?

Each awardee will be notified by phone and email on or before 29 July 2022 and invited to attend an awards ceremony at 15:30 on 15 September 2022. More details will be provided in the email.

Awardees are obliged to attend the Award Presentation Ceremony, lectures, media interviews, or relevant publicity activities organised by the Organiser. By participating in the competition, they agree to authorise the Organiser to use their names and information for publicity purposes. The Organiser reserves the right to disqualify the awardees over unsubstantiated absences.

About the Award Presentation Ceremony

Date and time of the Award Presentation Ceremony (tentative): 15:30 on 15 September 2022

Awardees are obliged to attend the award presentation ceremony, lectures, media interviews, or relevant publicity activities organised by the Organiser. By participating in the competition, they agree to authorise the Organiser to use their names and information for publicity purposes. The Organiser reserves the right to disqualify the awardees over unsubstantiated absences.

Organiser:Antiquities and Monuments Office

Corporate Social Organisation: ADAM i-dArt Keenable Creation MentalCare Connect Co Ltd

Supporting Organisation: Art in Hospital Arts with the Disabled Association Hong Kong Equal Opportunities Commission Hong Kong Federation of Handicapped Youth Hong Kong General Chamber of Social Enterprises Hong Kong Joint Council for People with Disabilities Hong Kong Rehabilitation Power The Hong Kong Society for Rehabilitation

Email:  Enquiries: (852) 2880 2950

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