Art Unbound, Inclusion Absolute - Heritage for All Drawing Competition

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To provide a platform for people with disabilities to showcase their artistic talents, as well as spark general curiosity towards declared monuments and historic buildings in Hong Kong.


  1. Participants must be Hong Kong residents (i.e. holders of valid Hong Kong identity cards) and holders of valid registration cards for persons with disabilities, or disability certificates issued by Hong Kong registered doctors, medical professionals, or supervisors of relevant institutions. Participants must be aged 16 or above.
  2. Entries must depict the attributes of one of four historic buildings designated by the “Art Unbound, Inclusion Absolute - Heritage for All Drawing Competition”.

Judging Criteria

  1. Creativity (40%)
  2. Expression (30%)
  3. Artistry (30%)

Awards and Prizes

  1. Champion: Book coupons worth HK$10,000; trophy
  2. 1st runner-up: Book coupons worth HK$6,000; trophy
  3. 2nd runner-up: Book coupons worth HK$4,000; trophy
  4. Winner of the “My Favourite Artwork” online poll: Book coupons worth HK$3,000 (five winners)
  5. Participation in the “My Favourite Artwork” online poll: Supermarket vouchers worth HK$50 (100 winners)

Entry Details and Format

Artistic Medium:



How to Participate

Please fill out and submit the application form and include the following details:

  1. The title of the submission (should include no more than 12 Chinese characters or English words)
  2. Description of the artwork (in no more than 200 Chinese characters or English words)
  3. File format for the entry: JPEG
  4. Size of the entry (height and width should be 2,000 pixels or more)
  5. File size of the submission (2MB to 8MB)
  6. Important: The photographic/digital image of the entry must be complete, clear, unobstructed, non-reflective frontal shot, and taken against a pure, white background

Submission Period

15 March 2022 – 31 May 2022 23:59

Terms for Shortlisted Participants’ Submissions

Notice for Shortlisted Participants

  1. Shortlisted participants will receive an official notice via phone and email by 22 June 2022.

Submission of Original Manuscript

  1. Personal particulars:
  2. Framing:
  3. Important:

Submission Deadline

  1. The original copies of the shortlisted artwork must be delivered to the designated place before 17:00 on 8 July 2022.

Application Terms and Conditions

  1. Eligibility
    1. Participants must submit both the application form and artwork through the website on or before 31 May 2022 at 23:59 Hong Kong time. If the application form is incomplete or if the information is incorrect or overdue, the Organiser reserves the right to disqualify the application without any explanation or notification.
    2. Participants must read and understand all information and the terms and conditions of the “Art Unbound, Inclusion Absolute - Heritage for All Drawing Competition” (“the Competition”). By submitting an entry, the participant agrees to follow and be bound by the terms and conditions of the Competition. The Organiser reserves the right to disqualify any participant who violates the terms and conditions at any time.
    3. An entry should not infringe on the rights of any other parties or relevant copyright laws. Otherwise, the entry will be disqualified. Participants are legally responsible for their submissions. Should an entry violate any laws, the Organiser will not be held legally responsible.
    4. Participants shall agree to grant exclusively to the Organiser all the intellectual property rights of the submitted entry. The Organiser reserves the right of unrestricted, unreserved, and irrevocable authorisation on the usage of the artwork and its description. The Organiser has the right to copy, use, modify, display, publish and distribute the artwork and its description through any format, any time, any media in Hong Kong or other places, including but not limited to uploading duplicates of submissions to the internet for public reference and access.
    5. Participants shall agree that the Organiser has the unrestricted, unreserved, and irrevocable right to display event photos and videos, including group photos and event highlights.
    6. Participants shall agree that the Organiser has unrestricted, unreserved, and irrevocable rights over the usage of all submissions and their descriptions, and can freely modify, photograph, copy, use, display, publish or issue on social media platforms to promote the Competition, without the need for prior consent or monetary payment to participants. The Organiser shall have sole and absolute discretion and participants are asked to cooperate with the Organiser.
    7. Participants should be persons with disabilities who hold valid Hong Kong identity cards (HKID) and are aged 16 or above. According to the 2007 Hong Kong Rehabilitation Programme Plan by the Hong Kong Labour and Welfare Bureau, disabilities include hearing impairment, visual impairment, physical disabilities, speech impairment, intellectual disabilities, mental illness, autism spectrum disorder, visceral disabilities/chronic illness, attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder and specific learning difficulties.
    8. All winners are required to attend the Award Presentation Ceremony, talks, media interviews, and other related promotional activities held by the Organiser. The Organiser has the right to use their names and relevant information for promotional purposes. The Organiser reserves the right to disqualify awardees with unsubstantiated absences.
  2. Requirements and Regulations for Submissions Entry
    1. Each participant should submit only one piece of artwork. If the Organiser receives more than one piece of artwork from a participant, the Organiser will accept only the earliest submission for judging and deem additional entries invalid without notice.
    2. The entry must be the original work of the participant; group work will not be accepted.
    3. The entry and its 200-word description must be original work of the participant created within one year before the submission of entry and should not infringe on the rights of other parties.
    4. If the entry includes works by third parties, the participant is responsible for obtaining legal authorisation from said third parties. The Organiser may require written proof of legal authorisation from participants. If an artwork is involved in piracy, its creator will be disqualified and solely liable for all repercussions.
    5. Submissions should neither be featured in other competitions, past or present, nor openly displayed, sold, published, or exhibited on other platforms (including the internet), regardless of format.
    6. The four designated historic buildings include the Former Kowloon British School, Hong Kong Observatory, Former Kowloon-Canton Railway Clock Tower, and Hong Kong Heritage Discovery Centre. Every submission must be related to one of the designated historic buildings.
    7. No entry should contain obscene, pornographic, violent, defamatory, political, commercial, religious propagandist, indecent, offensive, racist, discriminatory, controversial or inappropriate content. Participants who submit entries with said content will be disqualified.
    8. Once an entry is submitted, no editing, revision, replacement, or change is allowed.
    9. Thirty participants will be shortlisted for the second round of judging. They each will receive a phone call and an email before 22 June 2022. They will be required to deliver the original copies of their artworks to a designated place by 17:00 on 8 July 2022. More details will be provided in the email to shortlisted participants. Participant should frame the artwork and allow the use of screws on the back of the artwork for hanging, and bear the cost of framing and mounting, packaging, transportation, and insurance. Fragile materials are not recommended for use with framing and mounting. The Organiser will not be responsible for any damages caused. If a participant fails to deliver their original artwork before the deadline of 17:00 on 8 July 2022, they will cease to be shortlisted.
    10. The Organiser shall not be liable for any damages or loss due to the transportation, storage, or exhibition of the shortlisted artwork.
    11. The title of the artwork, name of the participant, or markings or watermarks that allow the participant or their affiliated organisation to be recognised should not be visible on the front side of the artwork. Otherwise, the entry would be disqualified.
    12. Participants must agree that the Organiser reserves the unrestricted, unreserved, and irrevocable authorisation to display their artwork at a designated community gallery which the Organiser will decide upon. Further details, such as the date and time of the exhibition, will be disclosed later. The Organiser shall have sole and absolute discretion over all final decisions.
    13. All shortlisted and winning submissions must be retrieved from the Organiser before the given deadline. Participants who fail to collect their submissions by the deadline agree to give the Organiser the rights to manage, sell and discard their works without compensating or entertaining the objections of participants.
    14. Participants, as the owners and original creators of their submissions, own the copyright, intellectual property, and other exclusive rights to their works.
  3. Awards and Prizes
    1. The Judging Panel reserves the right of final decision. Objections and appeals against, and disputes over the final results delivered by the Judging Panel will not be entertained.
    2. The Organiser reserves the right to disqualify any participant who violates the terms and conditions and withdraw or revoke awards that have been presented to disqualified participants without providing compensation.
    3. Once the awards and prizes are distributed to awardees, the Organiser will not re-issue or be responsible for lost or stolen prizes.
  4. Personal Information
    1. The participant should make sure that all information submitted is true and correct. The participant will be disqualified and/or will not be eligible for awards and prizes if their information is found to be untrue or incorrect.
    2. Participants are required to submit a valid registration card for persons with disabilities issued by the Hong Kong SAR Government or a certificate issued by a registered medical practitioner or the person in charge of a designated service organisation when submitting their shortlisted original works. Those who fail to present the required documents could be barred from participation by the Organiser. The Organiser may require participants to present identification documents for verification purposes.
    3. Participants agree that the Organiser has the right to use their names, biographies, artworks, and description of the artworks, as well as use text, photos, or short videos for public promotion or publication purposes.
    4. The personal data provided by participants for the competition will be used for contact and verification purposes only. All personal data shall be kept confidential by the Organiser and will be destroyed within two months following the end of the Award Presentation Ceremony.
  5. Disclaimer
    1. The Organiser will not be responsible for any errors or omissions in printing or publication of any content, terms and conditions, or administrative details related to this competition.
    2. The Organiser will not be responsible for any loss, delay, damage, theft, misrepresentation, misplacement, interruption, deletion, and delay in operations occurring as a result of the physical or electronic transmission of artwork.
    3. The Organiser will not be responsible for any technical, network, internet connection, telephone equipment, electronic, computer, hardware or software issues.
    4. The Organiser will not be responsible for any damages to personal electronic products caused directly or indirectly by downloading or uploading information related to the participation and the Competition.
  6. Arbitration of Rights
    1. Should there be any disputes, the Organiser reserves the right to make the final decision.
    2. The Organiser reserves the right to cancel, terminate, modify the terms and conditions or suspend the competition without prior notice. The Organiser is not liable for any changes or terminations. With regard to terms and conditions that have not been mentioned, the Organiser’s decisions shall be final.
  7. General Enquiries
    1. Email:
    2. Phone: (852) 2880 2950
    3. Website: FAQ

Organiser:Antiquities and Monuments Office

Corporate Social Organisation: ADAM i-dArt Keenable Creation MentalCare Connect Co Ltd

Supporting Organisation: Art in Hospital Arts with the Disabled Association Hong Kong Equal Opportunities Commission Hong Kong Federation of Handicapped Youth Hong Kong General Chamber of Social Enterprises Hong Kong Joint Council for People with Disabilities Hong Kong Rehabilitation Power The Hong Kong Society for Rehabilitation

Email:  Enquiries: (852) 2880 2950

Follow Us: Facebook  Instagram

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Terms and Conditions  FAQ