Art Unbound, Inclusion Absolute - Heritage for All Drawing Competition

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Designated Historic Buildings

Former Kowloon British School

The Former Kowloon British School is the oldest surviving school building constructed for the children of foreign residents in Hong Kong. Ho Tung (later Sir Robert Ho Tung) donated $15,000 to the government in 1900 to found a school in Kowloon. Officially opened on 19 April 1902, the building is a typical Victorian structure that was modified to suit the local climate with the addition of wide verandas, high ceilings and pitched roofs. It houses the Antiquities and Monuments Office after its restoration.

The Former Kowloon British School was declared a monument in 1991.

Address: 136 Nathan Rd, Tsim Sha Tsui

Monuments Introduction: Former Kowloon British School  Hong Kong Observatory  Former Kowloon-Canton Railway Clock Tower  Hong Kong Heritage Discovery Centre 

Organiser:Antiquities and Monuments Office

Corporate Social Organisation: ADAM i-dArt Keenable Creation MentalCare Connect Co Ltd

Supporting Organisation: Art in Hospital Arts with the Disabled Association Hong Kong Equal Opportunities Commission Hong Kong Federation of Handicapped Youth Hong Kong General Chamber of Social Enterprises Hong Kong Joint Council for People with Disabilities Hong Kong Rehabilitation Power The Hong Kong Society for Rehabilitation

Email:  Enquiries: (852) 2880 2950

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