Art Unbound, Inclusion Absolute - Heritage for All Drawing Competition
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Terms and Conditions
【Art Unbound, Inclusion Absolute - Heritage for All Drawing Competition】
- Participants should be people with disabilities aged 16 or older and Hong Kong residents who hold valid Hong Kong identity cards.
- Participants should understand, agree and accept all terms and conditions, and accept all legal responsibilities. They are advised to read and understand the terms and conditions carefully before participating in the event.
Personal Information Collection
- Participants understand and agree that the Antiquities and Monuments Office (hereinafter the Organiser) and authorised persons will collect their personal data, including their names, sex, age, email, and phone numbers etc. This is to manage and complete all relevant procedures for the event. In this regard, participants understand and agree that the Organiser and authorised persons are allowed to use, disclose or transmit the personal data for the said purpose or all direct purposes under the permission of Hong Kong Law.
- Participants clearly understand and agree that all messages transmitted through the network are not controlled by the Organiser, who cannot guarantee absolute security and confidentiality and transmissions are not illegally obtained by third parties. Thus, participants agree and confirm that the Organiser is not responsible for the safety of personal information during transmission. However, the Organiser vows to guard the participant’s information to the best of their ability without divulging it to third parties.
- The Organiser and its authorised persons will delete all personal data submitted for the purpose of participation after the end of the event. Unless participants express consent for the Organiser to retain their personal data, the Organiser and its authorised persons will not retain any data for any purposes, including future promotional activities.
- Participants should understand and agree that the Organiser reserves the right to use all photos, videos and audio, and questions submitted as part of their entries to the “Art Unbound, Inclusion Absolute - Heritage for All Drawing Competition” for promotional purposes.
- Participants have the right to request access to and make corrections to personal data they have provided in accordance with Section 18, 22, and Principle 6 of Schedule 1 to the Personal Data (Privacy) Ordinance. Please contact the Assistant Curator II (Education Activities) 2 of AMO through phone (2208 4440) for such requests.
- The Organiser reserves the right to cancel, terminate, modify or suspend the competition, or to change the terms and conditions without further notice.
- The Organiser reserves the right to interpret the event and change the terms and Conditions, and reserves the right of the final decision.
- Participants shall not object to any delay, loss, error illegibility or damage to information they submitted as a result of factors, including but not limited to computers, the internet, telephones, telecommunications or information technology, that are beyond the Organiser’s control.
- The “Art Unbound, Inclusion Absolute - Heritage for All Drawing Competition” is organised by the Antiquities and Monuments Office (the Organiser), which has authorised ET Net as the Competition’s production unit.
- The meaning and interpretation of terms and conditions are derived from the laws of the Hong Kong Special Administration Region.
- Depending on the severity of the Covid-19 pandemic, the event might be postponed, suspended or cancelled. The Organiser reserves the right of final decision over submissions, results and all arrangements.
- Unless otherwise stated, all personal data provided through the Competition’s application form will be used for purposes related to participation in the event and communications. Errors or omissions in the personal information provided could result in the disqualification of a participant.
Organiser:Antiquities and Monuments Office
Corporate Social Organisation: ADAM
Keenable Creation
MentalCare Connect Co Ltd
Supporting Organisation: Art in Hospital
Arts with the Disabled Association Hong Kong
Equal Opportunities Commission
Hong Kong Federation of Handicapped Youth
Hong Kong General Chamber of Social Enterprises
Hong Kong Joint Council for People with Disabilities
Hong Kong Rehabilitation Power
The Hong Kong Society for Rehabilitation
Enquiries: (852) 2880 2950
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